

+852 27400237


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Rome sds artifact degenerati snowboard 153

Rome sds artifact degenerati snowboard 153

The Rome Artifiact is another great jib park snowboard from Rome and one of the few true camber boards left in the jib park. It’s pretty poppy and very easy to press/butter for a camber board.  Rome makes great boards and although camber isn’t as popular these days it still does a great job in the park.


Boots: ThirtyTwo Prion

Bindings: Rome Degenerati Katana

On Snow Feel:   Nice stable easy feel that wan’ts to play in the jib park.  It’s also got a bit of a jump park feel to it.  It’s not that catchy for a camber board and it feels pretty forgiving.  Still it’s more catchy than the Artifact Rocker.

Turn Initiation:  Very quick and easy edge to edge and it feels like a fun board to make quick snappy turns with.

Flex:   Nice soft playful buttery feel that makes it really fun to play around with and it’s easy to butter.  It takes a little bit more effort to butter than the Artifact Rocker but you are rewarded with more snap than the tip/tail.

Edge Hold:   Actually I thought the edge hold would be a little better but it’s about the same as the Artifact Rocker.

Powder:  Didn’t ride powder but would hate to take this blunted nose 153 camber board in anything more than 1 foot.

Carving:   Not a bad little carver for such a soft and playful jib to park board.

Speed:  Pretty chattery and not ready for mountain speed kind of ride.

Uneven Terrain:   Easy through bumps if you take a wrong turn on the way to the park.

Switch:  Same either way.  The only thing we feel is easier is asymmetrical boards.

Jumps:   Nice pop off the tail and I really enjoyed an ollie off this board.  It’s a great board for small to medium air but it’s not really a go big board.

Jibbing:   If you like camber boards in the jib park this is a very forgiving easy and fun ride there.  I’m not a strong jibber by any means but I didn’t feel like the camber feel sucked my confidence.  I liked the Artifact Rocker here but if you are a better jibber then

Pipe:   Eh….I didn’t go there.

So all in all the Artifact provides a nice old school snappy jib to small jump ride that many riders could appreciate.

分享人:Chau Kwok Yan 人氣:10701 分享時間:2017-08-07 22:51





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  • 荔枝角長順街19號楊耀松工業大廈7樓B室
  • 在線時間:星期一至五 09:00 - 12:30、13:30 - 18:00;星期六 13:00 - 17:00